Top 7 New Year’s Resolutions for Cancer Prevention Fans

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Resolution-new-year-250x187Have you made your New Year’s resolutions? What will you resolve to further cancer protection for you and your family? A new year is always exciting, because it gives us all the opportunity to make changes to better our lives. The following New Year’s resolutions focus specifically on cancer prevention and involve taking concrete measures in attainable ways. By breaking down your goal into small yet effective steps, this list will help you make big changes over time. Here goes:

1. See your doctor.

Early detection by cancer screening tests has saved many lives. Nowadays there are advanced non-invasive and minimally invasive diagnostic technologies to detect cancerous cells in the body. Mammogram, colonoscopy, PTA, dermatology skin check and other cancer screening exams are all important diagnostic procedures. If the results show pre-cancerous cells, your doctors can develop a treatment plan for you from early on. According to the experts, regular checkups with your doctor are a must.

2. Assess your cancer risks.

Take the WebMD personalized health assessment. In just a few minutes, you can take a major step toward cancer prevention as well as a healthier lifestyle. Based on your personal health, lifestyle, and family history, this cancer risk assessment will identify your risk factor(s), and guide you with specific actions to lower your chances for developing cancer. This tool is accessible from our site for your convenience.

3. Downsize fat, salt, and sugar in your foods and drinks.

Dairy fat, salt, and sugar are culprits for cancer. They sneak into our meals in hidden amounts under numerous fancy names, and many folks don’t even realize it. For instance, it’s counter-effective to pour a fat- and salt-rich dressing over “the rainbow” (veggies and fruits on your plate). Over the years, we have provided some effective tips to enhance the value of your rainbow.

Research indicates significant correlations between dairy fat and/or saturated animal fat intake and risks for breast, prostate, colon-rectal, and lung cancer. Too much salt is terrible not only because it is a risk factor for cancer, it also has an adverse effect on blood pressure, which can promote heart disease and stroke. Furthermore, sugar is the fuel for cancer cell growth. An advanced version of “Downsize fat, salt, and sugar in foods and drinks” would simply be this: “Ban junk food from your diet.”

4. Upsize your physical activity.

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5. Take control of weight, and maintain a healthy weight!

Whether your aim is to lose weight, get fit, or both, a healthy weight is critical for your optimal health. Research suggests that overweight and obesity are implicated in approximately 20% of all cancer cases. Convincing evidence shows an association between being overweight and/or obesity and mortality from many types of cancer including non-Hodgkin lymphoma, myeloma, esophageal, pancreatic, liver, colorectal, gallbladder, prostate, breast, endometrial and kidney cancers.

6. Stay Smoking-free

Smoking cigarettes has been linked to an increased risk of developing many types of cancer. For smokers, it is essential to quit smoking to lower cancer risks. For non-smokers, stay away from others smoking as even passive smoke is a proven risk factor for developing cancer.

7. Turn to Green

Add more green vegetables to your plate, use more chemical-free products in your household, and take more actions to reduce indoor and outdoor pollutants in your community. These solutions can enhance your immune functions and reduce cancer risks.

Overall, there are many ways to stay healthy on a daily basis and ultimately reap the benefits of cancer protection. To resolve is to embrace change, which is thrilling and fulfilling yet requires commitment. To make your New Year’s resolutions stick, check out 10 simple things you can do to get back on track. By making your resolutions into reality, you may very well turn this year into your best year ever!


Image credit: by thedbz