Most Common Diseases of Which Many Men Are Often Unaware

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

food-healthy-man-w-blueberries_PexelsMen, in general, are “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” kind of guys, and they believe that they can fix anything by themselves. This is true many times in life. But when it comes to medical or health conditions, this could be a common yet dangerous misconception.

Sometimes, those “annoying” symptoms (e.g. snoring, bad breath, enlarged prostate, and unexplained weight gain or loss) show up and even persist, but a lot of guys would rather tough it out or put off a visit to the doctor with various excuses. I get that.

To help you strengthen your health and live a vibrant life, I’m calling attention to the most common diseases that affect men and necessary actions you can take to prevent potentially grave consequences.

Do you know top 10 diseases that kill men? Here they are:

  1. Heart disease
  2. Cancer: cancers of lung, prostate and colon. Testicle cancer is commonly seen in younger men.
  3. Accidents and injuries
  4. Stroke
  5. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  6. Diabetes
  7. Influenza and pneumonia
  8. Kidney disease
  9. Alzheimer’s disease
  10. Suicide

The good news is – Most of the killer diseases that affect men are potentially preventable by living a healthy lifestyle. So, stop smoking, maintain a healthy weight, keep physically active, and eat a healthy, nutritious diet.

Furthermore, here are a list of things you or loved ones can do for men’s health:

  • Check out critical numbers such as blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood sugar, keep them in normal range.
  • Schedule a routine medical care or physical examination.
  • Schedule recommended screenings for prostate and colon cancer.
  • Acquire a routine testicle exam.
  • Keep mentally active, e.g. taking new classes or playing brain games.
  • Continue forging a close relationship with a circle of friends.
  • Never ignore some seemingly common symptoms such as snoring, bad breath, and enlarged prostate. If the problem persists, consult your physician to rule out any medical conditions.
  • Seek professional help if you have symptoms of depression.

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Image credit: Pexels